
体育平台,特拉华州公司(“公司”), 相信创造和维持一种强调诚信和责任的文化,并加强公司的绩效薪酬理念,符合公司及其股东的最佳利益. 公司董事会(以下简称“董事会”)董事会)因此采取了这项政策, 该法案规定,如果公司因严重违反联邦证券法下的任何财务报告要求而被要求对其财务报表进行会计重述,则该公司将获得某些高管薪酬的补偿。政策”). This 政策 is designed to comply with Section 10D of the Securities 交易法 of 1934, 经修订(“交易法”), 据此颁布的规则, and the listing standards of the national securities exchange on which the 公司’s securities are listed.
This 政策 shall be administered by the 薪酬委员会 of the 董事会 (“薪酬委员会”). Any determinations made by the 薪酬委员会 shall be final and binding on all affected individuals.
This 政策 applies to the 公司’s current and former executive officers (由薪酬委员会决定 in accordance with Section 10D of the 交易法, 据此颁布的规则, 以及本公司证券上市的国家证券交易所的上市标准)以及薪酬委员会可能不时认为受本政策约束的其他高级管理人员或雇员(统称为, “覆盖的高管”).
由于公司严重违反证券法规定的任何财务报告要求,公司被要求对其财务报表进行会计重述, 包括任何必要的会计重述(i)纠正以前发布的财务报表中对以前发布的财务报表重要的错误, or (ii) that would result in a material misstatement if the error were corrected in the current period or left uncorrected in the current period (each an “财务重述”), 补偿委员会将合理及时地要求偿还或没收任何受保高管在开始担任受保高管后收到的多付款项(定义见下文), (y) who served as a Covered Executive at any time during the performance period for the applicable 激发动机的补偿 (as defined below), 以及(z)在公司被要求编制会计重述之日之前的三(3)个已完成的财政年度以及任何过渡期

(that results from a change in the 公司’s fiscal year) within or immediately following those three (3) completed fiscal years.
就本政策而言,“激发动机的补偿"体育平台是指给予的任何补偿, 赢得了, or vested based wholly or in part upon the attainment of a financial reporting measure, 包括, but not limited to: (i) non-equity incentive plan awards that are 赢得了 solely or in part by satisfying a financial reporting measure performance goal; (ii) bonuses paid from a bonus pool, where the size of the pool is determined solely or in part by satisfying a financial reporting measure performance goal; (iii) other cash awards based on satisfaction of a financial reporting measure performance goal; (iv) restricted stock, 限制性股票单位, 股票期权, 股票增值权, and performance share units that are granted or vest solely or in part based on satisfaction of a financial reporting measure performance goal; and (v) proceeds from the 出售 of shares acquired through an incentive plan that were granted or vested solely or in part based on satisfaction of a financial reporting measure performance goal.
Compensation that would not be considered 激发动机的补偿 includes, but is not limited to: (i) salaries; (ii) bonuses paid solely based on satisfaction of subjective standards, 比如展示领导力, and/or completion of a specified employment period; (iii) non-equity incentive plan awards 赢得了 solely based on satisfaction of strategic or operational measures; (iv) wholly time-based equity awards; and (v) discretionary bonuses or other compensation that is not paid from a bonus pool that is determined by satisfying a financial reporting measure performance goal.
A financial reporting measure is: (i) any measure that is determined and presented in accordance with the accounting principles used in preparing financial statements, 或全部或部分由该措施派生的任何措施, 比如收入, 息税前利润, 或净收入或(ii)股价和股东总回报. 财务报告措施包括, but are not limited to: revenues; net income; operating income; profitability of one or more reportable segments; financial ratios (e.g., accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover rates); net assets or net asset value per share; earnings before interest, 税, depreciation and amortization; funds from operations and adjusted funds from operations; liquidity measures (e.g., working capital, operating cash flow); return measures (e.g., return on invested capital, return on assets); earnings measures (e.g., earnings per share); cost per employee, where cost is subject to an accounting restatement; any of such financial reporting measures relative to a peer group, where the 公司’s financial reporting measure is subject to an accounting restatement; and tax basis income.
要收回的金额将体育平台是收到的奖励补偿金额,超过根据重述金额确定的奖励补偿金额,否则将收到的奖励补偿金额, 计算时必须不考虑任何已缴税款(“多付的款项”). 激励性薪酬在公司达到激励性薪酬奖励规定的财务报告衡量标准的财政期间被视为“收到”, 即使体育平台是行权, payment or grant of the incentive-based compensation occurs after the end of that period.

For 激发动机的补偿 based on stock price or total shareholder return, where the amount of erroneously awarded compensation is not subject to mathematical recalculation directly from the information in the 财务重述, 该金额必须基于对会计重述对股票价格或股东总回报的影响的合理估计, 公司必须保存确定该合理估计的文件,并将该等文件提供给公司证券上市的交易所.
薪酬委员会将作出决定, 自行决定, the method or methods for recouping any 多付的款项 hereunder which may include, 但不限于:
requiring reimbursement of cash 激发动机的补偿 previously paid;
寻求收回在授权过程中实现的任何收益, 锻炼, 结算, 出售, 转移, or other disposition of any equity-based awards granted as 激发动机的补偿;
offsetting any or all of the 多付的款项 from any compensation otherwise owed by the 公司 to the Covered Executive;
cancelling outstanding vested or unvested equity awards; and/or
采取法律允许的其他补救或恢复行动, 由薪酬委员会决定.
追索权将限于在公司被要求编制会计重述之日之前的三(3)个已完成的财政年度内收到的超额款项,以及在这三(3)个已完成的财政年度内或之后的任何过渡期(由公司财政年度的变化引起). 在任何情况下,如果重述或准确的财务业绩将导致更高的基于激励的薪酬支付,公司均不需要向受保高管支付额外薪酬.
The 公司 shall not indemnify any 覆盖的高管 against the loss of any incorrectly awarded 激发动机的补偿.
The 薪酬委员会 is authorized to interpret and construe this 政策 and to make all determinations necessary, 适当的, 或适合执行本保单. 本政策的解释方式应符合《体育平台》第10D条的要求以及美国证券交易委员会采用的适用规则或标准

Securities and Exchange Commission or any national securities exchange on which the 公司’s securities are listed.
This 政策 shall be effective as of the date it is adopted by the 董事会 (“生效日期”) and shall apply to 激发动机的补偿 (包括 激发动机的补偿 granted pursuant to arrangements existing prior to the 生效日期). 尽管有上述规定, this 政策 shall only apply to 激发动机的补偿 received (as determined pursuant to this 政策) on or after October 2, 2023, 第303A条的生效日期.纽约证券交易所上市公司手册第14条.
董事会可酌情随时修改本政策. 董事会可随时终止本政策.
The 董事会 intends that this 政策 will be applied to the fullest extent of the law. The 薪酬委员会 may require that any employment or service agreement, 现金奖励计划或项目, 股权奖励协议, or similar agreement entered into on or after the adoption of this 政策 shall, 作为授予任何根据该条款获得的利益的条件, require a Covered Executive to agree to abide by the terms of this 政策. 本保单项下的任何追偿权均为附加条款, 而不体育平台是代替, any other remedies or rights of recoupment that may be available to the 公司 pursuant to the terms of any similar policy in any employment agreement, 股权奖励协议, 现金奖励计划或项目, or similar agreement and any other legal remedies available to the 公司.
(A) The direct expense paid to a third party to assist in enforcing this 政策 would exceed the amount to be recovered;
(B) Recovery would violate home country law of the 公司 where that law was adopted prior to November 28, 2022; or
(C) Recovery would likely cause an otherwise tax-qualified retirement plan, under which benefits are broadly available to employees of the 公司, 达不到26u的要求.S.C. 401(a)(13)或26 U.S.C. 411(a)及其条例.


This 政策 shall be binding and enforceable against all 覆盖的高管 and their beneficiaries, 继承人, 执行人, 管理人或其他法定代表人.