

Company Has Replaced Five of Eight Directors in Past Three Years, Including Two New Independent



俄克拉荷马城,三月 2, 2020 -体育平台(纳斯达克股票代码:GPOR)(“格尔夫波特”或“公司”), 美国毗邻地区最大的天然气生产商之一, today issued the following statement regarding the nominations by Firefly Value Partners (“Firefly”) of two director c和idates to st和 for election 在 公司尚未安排的2020年年度股东大会:

“格尔夫波特重视股东的投入,这使得它 odd that Firefly would choose to nominate director c和idates the week before Ryan Heslop, the 其合伙 manager of Firefly, is scheduled to interview for a director seat, 和 no deadline for director 提名甚至已经确立.”

“格尔夫波特拥有一支高素质的新体育平台 全面的董事会茶点流程, 八名董事中有五名体育平台是在过去三年加入的. 此外,公司董事长最近宣布他不会寻求 连任 在 2020年年会, 公司八名董事中有七名体育平台是独立董事, 包括两个刚刚在过去两个月加入的人.”

“Gulfport is taking timely 和 decisive actions to position the Company for future value creation amidst industry-wide challenges 和 a 天然气价格跌至多年低点. 格尔夫波特最近宣布削减50%的资本支出, which allows the Company to operate within cash flow 和 retain its valuable drilling inventory for better prices in the future. Gulfport has also taken steps to cut costs across all areas of its business 和 is focused on continuing to find ways to become more efficient 和 effective in its operations. 通过专注于现金流经营和削减成本,公司 确保其流动性在经济低迷时期保持强劲吗, 哪种方式既能提供可选择性,又能提供灵活性,以追求创造价值的机会. 公司的举措反映了公司的集体投入 利益相关者, 包括萤火虫, 和 are designed to help Gulfport navigate difficult im体育平台官方网站状况 affecting the entire industry.”

“Gulfport is confident the timely 和 decisive actions it has 和 will continue to take will drive long-term value.”

The Gulfport Board 和 its Nominating 和 Governance Committee will review 和 consider Firefly’s notice of nomination in accordance with the 公司规章制度和适用法律. Gulfport’s Board will present its recommendations for director nominees in its proxy statement that will be filed with the U.S. 美国证券交易委员会. 不需要有格尔夫波特的股东 在这个时候采取行动.

盛德律师事务所(Sidley Austin LLP)担任Gulfport的法律顾问.


Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ: GPOR) is an independent natural gas 和 oil company focused on the exploration 和 development of natural gas 和 oil properties in North America 和 is 美国毗邻地区最大的天然气生产商之一. 总部设在俄克拉荷马城, Gulfport holds significant acreage positions in the Utica Shale of Eastern Ohio 和 the SCOOP Woodford SCOOP Springer在俄克拉荷马州演出. 此外,格尔夫波特持有 非核心 其中包括Mammoth能源服务公司约22%的股权. (纳斯达克股票代码:TUSK),并在 加拿大阿尔伯塔油砂公司通过其在灰熊油砂公司25%的权益. 欲体育平台信息,请访问myu.despher.net.

向前 看报表

This press release includes “forward-looking statements” for purposes of the safe harbor provisions of the Private 1995年证券诉讼改革法案, 1933年证券法第27A条, 修订的, 以及1934年证券交易法第21E条. 除历史事实外,本报刊所载的所有声明 发布地址活动, events or developments that Gulfport expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, 未来资本支出(包括金额和性质), 企业战略和实施措施 策略, 回购未偿债务, 资产出售的时机和完成情况, 竞争优势, 目标, 格尔夫波特业务和运营的扩张和增长, 计划, im体育平台官方网站状况, 提及未来的成功, 参考 关于未来事项和其他此类事项的意图均为前瞻性陈述. These statements are based on certain assumptions 和 analyses made by Gulfport in light of its experience 和 its perception of historical trends, 当前的 conditions 和 expected future developments as well as other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. 然而, whether actual results 和 developments will conform with Gulfport’s expectations 和 predictions is subject to a 风险和不确定性的数量, 总体经济, im体育平台官方网站, credit or business conditions that might affect the timing 和 amount of the repurchase program; the opportunities (or lack thereof) that may be presented to 和 pursued by Gulfport; 格尔夫波特的识别能力, complete 和 integrate acquisitions of properties 和 businesses; Gulfport’s ability to achieve the anticipated benefits of its strategic initiatives; competitive actions by other oil 和 gas companies; changes in laws or regulations; 和 other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Gulfport. Information concerning these 和 other factors can be found in the Company’s filings with the U.S. 美国证券交易委员会 “SEC”),包括其表格 10-K, 10-Q8-K. 因此,本新闻稿所作的所有前瞻性陈述 release are qualified by these cautionary statements 和 there can be no assurances th在 actual results or developments anticipated by Gulfport will be realized, 或者即使实现了, 他们会产生预期的后果或影响 格尔夫波特,它的业务或运营. 格尔夫波特没有这个打算, 并放弃任何义务, 更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述, 体育平台是否体育平台是新信息的结果, 未来结果或其他.


公司打算: file a proxy statement on Schedule 14A 和 accompanying GOLD proxy card 和 other relevant documents with 美国证交会 in connection with the solicitation of proxies from the Company’s shareholders for the Company’s 2020年年会 of 股东(“2020年年会”). SHAREHOLDERS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO READ THE COMPANY’S PROXY STATEMENT (INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS THERETO), 随附金代理卡及其他所有文件存档 THE SEC CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE AS THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION.

The Company, its directors 和 certain of its executive officers will be deemed participants in the 征求与2020年年会有关的股东代理权. 有关直接和间接利益的信息, 通过证券持有或其他方式 of the Company’s directors 和 executive officers is set forth in the Company’s definitive proxy statement for the 2019 Annual Meeting of Stockholders filed with 美国证交会 on April 30, 2019. To the extent that any participants’ holdings in the Company’s 证券交易委员会urities have changed or new directors who will be participants have joined the board of directors of the Company since the filing of such proxy statement, such changes are set forth in Initial Statements of Beneficial Ownership on Form 3 和 Statements of Change in Ownership on Form 4. 关于潜在参与者身份的最新信息, 以及他们的直接或间接利益, 通过证券持有或其他方式, will be set forth in the Company’s proxy statement in connection with the 2020年年会 和 向美国证券交易委员会提交的其他相关文件. 股东可免费获得委托书副本, any amendments or supplements to the proxy statement 和 any other documents th在 Company files with 美国证交会 at 美国证交会’s website 在万维网.证券交易委员会.或公司网站http://ir.despher.net/ as soon as reasonably practicable after such materials are electronically filed with, 或提供给, 美国证交会.


杰西卡·安特尔-董事, 投资者关系





