

体育平台    即时发布
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体育平台 Announces Record Earnings and Production for 三个月结束 二六年六月三十日, 提供了 运营和指导更新并宣布对加拿大油砂的拟议投资.

俄克拉荷马城8月3日消息——Gulfport Energy Corporation (NASDAQ: GPOR) announces record earnings and production for the three months ended 二六年六月三十日, provides 操作 and guidance updates and announces its proposed investment in Canadian Oil Sands.


为 截至2006年6月30日的三个月,格尔夫波特的净收入为7美元.100万美元.22美元和0美元.每股基本普通股和全部摊薄普通股分别为21美元),经营现金流为14美元.500万(定义见下文),业务活动提供的现金 of $12.400万美元,息税前利润为10美元.300万美元(定义如下),总收入为14美元.400万年. 相比之下,净收入为3美元.1亿美元(约合人民币990万元).每股09美元(基本股和完全摊薄普通股),总收入为7美元.三个人900万 截至2005年6月30日的月份. The improvement in earnings reflects a 48% 增加 in the average oil price received to $64.截至2006年6月30日的三个月,油价从每桶43美元降至37美元.2005年同期每桶38美元,净增长25% 生产到231,截至6月30日的三个月,为779桶石油当量(“BOE”), 2006年起,2005年同期为425桶油当量.

WCBB -深井试验

7月,Gulfport钻探了一个深的、高风险、高回报的天然气勘探目标 West Cote Blanche Bay(“WCBB”)油田. 这口井虽然在结构上很高,但并没有发现预期中的沙子. However, Gulfport currently believes the objective sand may still be a viable objective. 因此,我们可以尝试访问 通过在原井上钻一条侧钻来实现目标砂化. 迄今为止,该井的成本约为5美元.800万年. 公司将继续定期钻探其较高的风险, 探井收益较高,但不能预期 明年再钻一口深试井.


2006年至今, Gulfport总共钻了18口开发井和1口高风险井, WCBB油田高收益探井共19口. 的 今年钻了19口井, 14个已建成并正在生产, 其中三个项目尚未商业化,还有两个项目仍在等待完工. One well waiting on completion has 86 feet of apparent net pay and the other has 270 feet of apparent net pay. 总计356英尺的表观净产层包含在15个区域中. 不包括深气试验, 据估计,2006年钻井的18口井每口井的平均成本为1美元.100万年. Gulfport目前在WCBB有两个钻井平台 additional wells and 计划 to drill eight additional wells at WCBB for a total of 29 wells at WCBB during 2006.

在2006年第三季度末,我们计划 to move one rig from WCBB to the State Lease 50 portion of our East Hackberry field in Cameron Parish, 路易斯安那州开始六井钻探计划.


During the three months ended 二六年六月三十日, Gulfport’s net production was 215,093 barrels 石油和100,120兆立方英尺的气体或者231兆立方英尺,779桶油当量相比64桶油当量,321桶石油和92桶,025兆立方英尺的气体或79,截至3月31日的三个月,BOE为659, 2006. Gulfport currently has the majority of the wells that were producing prior to Hurricane Rita back on-line and anticipates being fully operational at WCBB by the end of September 2006. 格尔夫波特的净产量平均为4,2006年7月为每天326桶油当量,而去年同期为每天2桶油当量,2005年同期的每日产量为289桶油当量,占89% 增加.


我们经历了意想不到的, additional delays in repairing the WCBB 设施 damaged by Hurricane Rita and delays in construction of the East Hackberry production 设施. These delays were caused by shortages in oilfield equipment and personnel in the coastal region of the Gulf of Mexico and as a result, 我们现将2006年的指引更改如下:


    2006年总净产量估计为1,050,000 to 1,200,000桶油当量的产量从先前的1,300,000 to 1,400,000年央行.


    Capital expenditures for drilling and recompletion activities in the range of $45 to $6000万年 for 2006 remains unchanged. 格尔夫波特花费了28美元.800万美元的资本支出 至2006年6月30日.


    租赁经营支出8美元.00 to $9.从之前的指导值6美元到2006年的每桶石油当量00美元.00 to $7.00 / BOE.


    销售,一般和管理费用2美元.50 to $3.从之前的指导值1美元到2006年的每桶油当量00美元.40 to $1.60 / BOE.


Gulfport公司打算从关联方手中收购115公司25%的股权,在加拿大油砂区以大约8美元的价格获得1000英亩的土地.000万年. This investment will provide Gulfport with the ability to operate in one of the largest oil plays in the world and the opportunity to significantly expand its reserve base and production in the future. The leases are in the Athabasca region located in the Alberta Province near Fort McMurray within a few miles of other existing oil sands project. 因此,已经有了一些基础设施. 目前的计划体育平台是开始建造10号,000桶/日蒸汽辅助重力排水设施将于2008年建成.


格尔夫波特已经 计划召开财报电话会议,讨论截至6月30日的三个月业绩, 2006, provide 操作 and guidance updates and announce the proposed investment in the Canadian Oil Sands for Friday, 8月4日, 2006年11时.M. 中央, 东部时间中午12:00. 会议呼入号码为(800)659-1966,密码为58006744. 有关加拿大油砂的介绍可在我们的网站(myu.despher.net). 电话也将体育平台是网络的 现场直播 myu.despher.net 然后重复30天. 通过拨打(888)286-8010可获得电话重播. 呼叫者应使用密码38113363来获得重播, 哪一个到两点都有空 东部时间2006年8月18日下午. 请加入我们的电话.


Gulfport is an independent oil and gas exploration and production company with its principal producing properties located along the Louisiana Gulf Coast. 格尔夫波特寻求 to achieve revenue growth and 增加 cash flow by undertaking drilling programs each year. 格尔夫波特的网站体育平台是 myu.despher.net.


本新闻稿包含以下含义中的“前瞻性陈述” 1933年证券法第27A条, 经修订的(“证券法”), 以及1934年证券交易法第21E条, 经修订的(“交易法”). 除历史事实外,所有陈述, 包括在这个新闻稿,地址活动, events or developments that Gulfport expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including such things as future capital expenditures (including the amount and nature thereof), 企业战略和实施战略的措施, 竞争优势, 目标, 格尔夫波特业务和运营的扩张和增长, 计划, 提及未来的成功, 对未来事宜和其他类似事项的意向的提及 事项属前瞻性陈述. These statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by Gulfport in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends, 现状和预期的未来发展 像其他

它认为合适的因素. 然而,实际结果体育平台是否与发展相符合 with Gulfport’s expectations and predictions is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, 总体经济, market or business conditions; the opportunities (or lack thereof) that may be presented to and pursued by Gulfport; competitive actions by other oil and gas companies; changes in laws or regulations; and other factors, 其中许多都超出了格尔夫波特的控制范围. Consequently, all of the forward-looking statements made in this news release are qualified by these cautionary statements and there can be no assurances that the actual results or developments anticipated by Gulfport will be realized, 或者即使实现了, 他们会对格尔夫波特产生预期的后果或影响, 其业务或 操作. 我们无意, 并放弃任何义务, 更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述, 体育平台是否体育平台是新信息的结果, 未来结果或其他.


息税前利润 非公认会计准则财务指标等于净收入吗, 最直接可比较的GAAP财务指标, 加上拨备利息费用, 增值费用和折旧, 损耗和摊销. 经营性现金流体育平台是非公认会计准则的财务指标 measure equal to cash flows from operating activities before changes in assets and liabilities. The Company has presented 息税前利润 because it uses 息税前利润 as an integral part of its internal reporting to measure its performance and to evaluate the 高级管理人员的业绩. 息税前利润 is considered an important indicator of the operational strength of the Company’s business. 息税前利润消除了大量非现金消耗的不均衡影响, 有形资产折旧 资产和某些无形资产的摊销. 这种方法的局限性, 然而, is that it does not reflect the periodic costs of certain capitalized tangible and intangible assets used in generating revenues in the Company’s 企业. Management evaluates the costs of such tangible and intangible assets and the impact of related impairments through other financial measures, 比如资本支出, 投资支出和资本回报. 因此,本公司 believes that 息税前利润 provides useful information to its investors regarding its performance and overall results of 操作. 息税前利润 and operating cash flow are not intended to be performance measures that should be regarded as an alternative to, 或者更有意义, either net income as an indicator of operating performance or to cash flows from operating activities as a measure of liquidity. In addition, 息税前利润 and operating cash flow are not intended to represent funds available for 股息, 再投资或其他随意用途, and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with GAAP. 本新闻稿中提出的息税前利润和经营息税前利润指标 可能无法与其他公司提出的类似标题的措施进行比较, and may not be identical to corresponding measures used in the Company’s various agreements.

下面体育平台是净收入的对账表, the most directly comparable GAAP to 息税前利润 and cash provided by operating activities to operating cash flow:






     $ 7,059,000


增长的费用      149,000
折旧、损耗和摊销      2,743,000


   $ 10,348,000



经营活动提供的现金    $ 12,354,000


经营性现金流量    $ 14,452,000